Are You Experiencing Brain Fog?

This month, with the permission of Jennifer Moss, I have used a lot of the article she posted on CBC News on February 21st because I …

clock on desk

The Secrets of Perfect Timing

I have just finished reading Daniel Pink’s book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing and I would like to share with you the insights …

woman stretching at desk

I am Proud of My Scatterbrain

I have just finished reading Scatterbrain: How the Mind’s Mistakes Make Humans Creative, Innovative, and Successful by neuroscientist Henning Beck. Now I feel much better …

Learning Agility

Many people complain that they have a “poor memory”, but only when they forget something. You have a fantastic long-term memory, and an effective immediate …

socializing with coworkers

Socializing Smarts for Your Brain

This month I have spent some time exploring the value of our social connections in keeping our brains and bodies healthy. To my great surprise, …